Join Bike Plus for an Open House on Wednesday, August 28th from 4-7PM at GLENWOOD Community Center (location change as of 8/28 afternoon). You will have the opportunity to share your thoughts on the Bike Plus planning process, the Vision Network, the Near Term Connections map, and recommended policies and programs. Each event is drop-in style and will feature the same content. Hear from city leadership at the top of every hour. We look forward to seeing you there and hearing your feedback!
Bike Plus is a plan by the City of Columbus to create a safe, connected, and comfortable network for people to bike, scooter, skate, and roll in the city. Through transportation improvements like protected bike lanes, trails, and crosswalks, we can make it more convenient and enjoyable to get around Columbus without a car. This plan, which will include lots of public engagement, will identify where these improvements are most needed to connect community members to the places they need and want to go. It will be an update to the 2008 Bicentennial Bikeways Plan and advance the goals of Vision Zero Columbus , Columbus Climate Action Plan , and LinkUS.