A Step in the Right Direction (SRD) is launching a hygiene free store in March 2023.
Individuals will be able to request 5 items once every 30 days. The items include body wash, soap, deodorant, menstrual products, toothbrush, toothpaste, dish soap, detergent, toilet paper or other items like Narcan, condoms, pregnancy tests. After submitted a request, you will receive a confirmation email or text with information on pick up date and time.
Eligibility: You must live in 43222, 43223, 43204, or 43228.
Submit your request beginning 3/1/23: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScRwWRwLUoRKvItpFSZPvtzVyoz2frme-y5hUopzpM-LEw2aw/closedform.