A fun, safe place for teens (grades 6-12) to hang out on Mondays-Thursdays from 3-5 PM. Food, sports, video games, music room, quiet space, homework help, art, career planning, and more!
Our purpose and mission is to create an intentional, safe place for teenagers where they are able to experience holistic growth into the individuals they have the potential to become. Several times a week, the Community Learning Center will be open after school for teenagers to hang out, build relationships, engage in enrichment activities, and eat food.
We are also looking for adult volunteers who are positive role models, have a heart for investing in youth, and would enjoy hanging out with us during our drop-in times. If interested in learning more information, contact Director Hunter Winey (hwiney@lowerlights.org) or Community Engagement Director Renee Carden (614-228-3855)