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Habitat for Humanity MidOhio Homeownership Program

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Habitat for Humanity MidOhio Homeownership Program

Homeownership applications are NOW OPEN FROM September 9-20-2024.

Important Instructions for Submitting a Complete Application: Completed applications with copies of all required documents must be mailed to 6665 Busch Blvd. Columbus, OH 43229 OR dropped into the drop-box available at the office (same as mailing address) during normal business hours (no exceptions).

Requirements for new Homeownership:
(1) Need: You must demonstrate that your current housing is inadequate, unsafe, unaffordable, or unhealthy. You may also qualify if you live in subsidized housing. You and your family will be considered if your income is 30-60% of the Area Median Income (AMI). AMI is determined by the number of people in your household (see chart on website)
(2) Willingness to Partner: Are you willing to invest 200-250 in Sweat Equity hours? This time is spent assisting with construction, attending required classes, and other activities for 12-18 months. Such requirements may involve 20-30 hours per month of extra work in addition to your current employment.
(3) Ability to Pay: You must demonstrate your ability to pay a monthly mortgage payment. This monthly amount will include your house payment, homeowner's insurance, and taxes. This requires satisfactory credit and a stable income. You must be at the same job for 6 months and employed for at least 1 year. Filing for bankruptcy does not disqualify you BUT we require that the bankruptcy be fully discharged by the court for a minimum of two years. No open liens or judgments. Current on all utilities for at least 3 months. No more than $1,000 in collections.

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Habitat for Humanity MidOhio Homeownership Program

6665 Busch Blvd, Columbus, OH 43229


Mon. - Fri.: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM


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