Sanctuary Night is a safe, sacred space for vulnerable women* who need a place to rest, eat, connect and get desired resources. Sanctuary Night's drop-in center is staffed by a Clinical Counselor, a Social Worker, and Peer Support Specialists who connect women to requested services and provide relational support. The drop-in center has a large kitchen for women to make and eat meals together, showers, a washer/dryer, a clothing & hygiene closet, a healthcare clinic, and a hospitality room where they can hang out and rest.
*We resist using common terminology (sex work, sex trafficking, prostitution) out of respect for the beauty and complicated women who walk our streets and who may or may not identify with these terms.
In 2017, we partnered with Lower Lights Ministries to provide a safe, consistent environment for women who visit. Once a week—every week—we offered them a warm meal, clothing, hygiene items, and a holy place. If requested, we connect them with our partners, who steward community resources and support women exiting “the life.” As valuable as the drop-in space we host on Monday nights is, it’s not enough. In 2020, with the help of numerous friends and partners, we purchased an old building on Sullivant Avenue. In early 2021, we began remodeling, and in May 2022, we opened and are officially serving the community 6 days of the week! We continue to work toward a point where we will be able to be open every day of the week, as well as growing into a 24/7 center.
Our greatest aim is to instill dignity and respect in the women we meet. They are our mothers and sisters whom we adore. We pride ourselves on being trauma-informed and survivor-led.
Open at 1195 Sullivant Ave, 43223:
- Monday 9AM-2PM; 6-10PM
- Tuesday-Friday 9AM-3PM
- Sunday 12-4PM